Wednesday: Blueberry Overnight Oats & Asian Sesame Salad



BREAKFAST: Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal

Overnight oats is one of my favorite things to make for breakfast! They are perfect to make for meal prep, because the longer they sit, the better they turn out. You let the oats sit overnight (or longer) and then can pop them in the microwave for breakfast or eat cold. There are many variations you can make, but blueberry is one of my favorites.


What you need (for two servings)

  • 2/3 cup old fashioned oats (avoid instant–less nutritious and defeats the purpose of letting them sit overnight)
  • 2/3 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 2/3 cup milk (or almond or soy milk)
  • Handful blueberries
  • 2 packets stevia
  • Dash cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds

What you do:

  1. Mix everything together, reserving several blueberries.
  2. Spoon out into airtight containers (again, I use small mason jars.)
  3. Top with remaining blueberries and sprinkle with extra cinnamon, if desired.
  4. Refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, your oats will be soaked through, and, essentially, “cooked.” I eat this a lot at work and my boss always comments on how delicious it smells when I heat it up. The oatmeal is extremely filling, especially when adding chia seeds, or flax seed to the mix.

LUNCH: Asian Sesame Chicken Salad

This is one of my absolute favorite mason jar salads, and I think the dressing is the key. I tried to make my own sesame ginger dressing and it was horrendous. I’ll stick with the pre-made version for this one.


What you need: *Note, this is for one serving. However, I really don’t measure out ingredients for my salad, I just throw them together based on what looks good and fits in the jar!

  • Spinach
  • Pulled chicken (rotisserie, again)
  • 1-2 carrots
  • Handful sugar snap peas
  • Handful peanuts or cashews
  • Handful chow mein noodles
  • Asian sesame ginger dressing (I used Ken’s Steakhouse)
  • 1 clementine or mandarin orange

What you do:

  1. Peel outside skin off your carrot and discard. Continue to peel with peeler, making long, thin carrot shreddings. Or, spiralize with a “zoodler” or spiralizer.
  2. Peel your clementine and pull wedges apart.
  3. Pour desired amount of dressing into bottom of mason jar.
  4. Next, add in this order: cashews/peanuts, chow mein, snap peas, carrots, chicken.
  5. Finally, stuff the rest of your mason jar with spinach.


When you’re ready to eat, give it a good shake and pour onto a plate.

2 thoughts on “Wednesday: Blueberry Overnight Oats & Asian Sesame Salad

  1. I have seen several posts on overnight oats but I haven’t tried it yet. Will try your recipe tonight. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Carol, yes, please do try! Let me know how they turn out. They really are very easy to make, and delicious! With endless combinations of flavor.

Please share your thoughts!